Vittore Carpaccio, Detail of St. Vitalis on Horseback and Eight Saints: Upper Section

Church of Santo Stefano, Venice

St. Andrew is on the left with his cross, long beard, and apostolic-era garb. The two beardless young men with very similar faces ought to be Gervasius and Protasius, the twin sons of St. Vitalis, the main figure in this altarpiece. But both have swords whereas in the Legend only Portasius was killed with a sword; Gervasius was beaten to death with scourges.

If they are not Gervasius and Protasius, the one on the right could be St. Julian. His sword seems to be wrapped in Julian's images, at least at the top. Unlike the other young man, he does not hold a palm brancn, the symbol of martyrdom. St. Julian was not a martyr.

If they are indeed the twin saints, then the bearded man on the right could be St. Jerome, who promoted their cult after discovering what he took to be their bodies.

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Read more about Saints Gervasius and Protasius.
Read more about St. Andrew and St. Jerome.
Read more about the Madonna and Child.

Photographed at the church by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.